Seniores Italia Lazio
Seniores Italia Lazio promotes intergenerational connections between skilled senior volunteers and the organizations involved in youth development, cultural/social integration and sustainable community development.

Giampaolo Calcari
P&G Alumni Grant Champion
Giampaolo Calcari
37-years in Product Supply and HR in P&G Italy/Southern Europe.
Additional (5) Alumni involvement from: Antonio Malvestio – 36 Years in Product Supply; Riccardo Vitale – 35 years in Sales, IT, Global Business Service; Paolo Cerullo – 27 years in Product Supply, Valentino D’Antonio – 26 years in Product Supply and HR; Cinzia Gaeta – 34 years in Legal
Giampaolo writes: “Since retiring, I’ve been actively involved with Seniores Italia Lazio, collaborating with senior expert volunteers all of whom are committed to helping people in need and who are united in trying to create a society with more equal opportunities. The project I’m sponsoring, Cooperative 4 Female Empowerment in Madagascar: phase 2, will continue to economically empower women in the village of Ambalanjanakomby by diversifying the cultivation of crops to replace rice and expand the number of villagers positively impacted. What’s more, the positive and income generating work practices being implemented in Ambalanjanakomby will be copied by other villages in the vicinity, multiplying the impact of our work.”

The beneficiaries for this project are the ~2000 people who live in the village of Ambalanjanakomby, a remote village in northern Madagascar. Almost all of them – together with additional 10,000 people in the entire rural municipality – live in poverty, practicing very low-income agriculture and irrational farming. The “Cooperative 4 Female Empowerment” project has established a ‘social cooperative’ that creates income producing businesses and empowers women. In this phase of the project, farmers will be trained on improved cultivation techniques and on running a profitable commercial activity in collaboration with the Ministry of Agriculture Sector Crops and with the intervention of a local sociologist to improve the sense of belonging to a group with common objectives.

The grant of $25,000 will be used to train and create a partnership between more than 30 women co-op members and ~15 farmers, construct a storage warehouse and purchase seeds, fertilizers, tools and machinery necessary to support training and socialization.

In pursuit of our mission, we embarked on a transformative journey with the “Income-generating activities for female employment” project. This initiative aimed to provide meaningful employment opportunities for 28 women in the village, igniting a spark of hope and empowerment within the community. Establishing ventures such as a laying hen farm, a pig farm, and rice cultivation with the assistance of a decorticator, we set out to break barriers and create pathways to prosperity.
With each endeavor, Seniores Italia reaffirms its unwavering commitment to fostering sustainable development, empowerment, and hope for a brighter tomorrow.