Codi Lebanon
Over 55% of the Lebanese population is living in poverty and youth unemployment is estimated to be between 40-50%. The situation for refugees or other non-Lebanese migrant workers is even worse, with unemployment rates more than double the national average.
Codi’s mission it to use coding and digital skills to enable inclusion, secure jobs and serve as a catalyst for social innovation and diversity. Based primarily in Beirut and more recently in Tripoli, Codi works to address Lebanon’s societal issues by providing youth with a free, high quality and well-rounded education aimed at building a career in technology. Codi focuses on Lebanon’s more vulnerable and highly marginalized communities, those who are “not in employment, education or training” (NEETs), as well as women and girls.

Kim Issa
P&G Alumni Grant Champion
Kim Issa
4-years in Geneva, Switzerland Finance
Kim is an avid supporter of Codi and its mission. Over the past five years, Kim has trained more than a hundred participants on how to market themselves. Her trainings help ensure that students create a strong and consistent CV and that they are well prepared for interviews upon completion of the coding program.
“Despite the Codi office being badly damaged in the August 4, 2020 Beirut explosion, sustaining numerous operating complications caused by Covid-19, and managing through the subsequent financial crisis throughout the country, the Codi team is more determined than ever to continue its impactful mission. The P&G Alumni Foundation award is more important than ever in helping Codi provide hope for a better future for the youth of Lebanon.” Kim Issa

Codi’s curriculum is a combination “coding bootcamp” and “leadership training” with the objective of encouraging marginalized youth to participate in the growing IT and software sections of the economy. In addition to teaching digital skills, the program includes daily English classes and monthly life-skills workshops (how to write a CV, prepare for an interview, apply for jobs etc.) as well as career counseling.
The core program is an intensive 6-month class for students to become web and mobile developers (front and back end), digital project managers and many other digital professions which are in high demand in the marketplace today. The course also includes key elements of data science and e-commerce management.

The $10,000 grant will be used to cover team operational costs for the delivery of the six-month program. It will support the 8th training cohort of 40 participants selected from among 200 applicants. It is expected to create 40 jobs and four business ventures while impacting over 160 family and community members.

“From Snack Chef to Web Developer”
“I worked as a snack chef for a small sandwich shop and I earned a very low salary which could barely cover my transportation and some of my living expenses. I heard about Codi and the work they do and applied to their training. The program was a turning point in my life. I learned a lot of technical skills and soft skills; and I met new people who became my new friends. Codi not only helped me enter a new career and develop high level web development skills, but also taught me business English skills and increased my employability skills. Right after I graduated from Codi, I started working in the tech sector as a Full-Stack Web Developer and I am now earning a high salary that I am proud of.” Teddy – Codi Graduate