Member – Advancement Committee
Randall Smith started volunteering for the Foundation on the Advancement Committee after retiring this year from Procter & Gamble. He brings over 15 years of experience from the Patron Development Committee of the Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra. He is a global brand-builder, having worked in the US, Europe and Asia. During his 20 years at P&G in Cincinnati, he worked in BBIC and helped lead many of P&G’s most successful campaigns. His marketing programs at P&G have received 3 Emmys, over 15 Effies and over 50 Cannes Lions including 2 Grand Prix. He was a member of the Multicultural and Inclusive Marketing Lead team and the Brand Mastery Society.
Randall graduated from The College of the University of Chicago with degrees in economics and near eastern languages and civilizations. He earned his MBA from the University of Chicago Booth School of Business with a concentration in marketing.
The Foundation is excited to have Randall assume an expanded role on the Board.