The P&G Alumni Foundation gratefully acknowledges the many individuals, businesses, and organizations that support us and our grants program! With a sense of gratitude for the skills learned and friends made at P&G, our alumni are happy to pay it forward and continue to improve lives. Together, we are providing training and paths to sustainable, better futures for people in need around the world. We are excited to have 100% donor support from the P&G Alumni Network and Foundation Boards and the Women’s Leadership Forum.

We continue to grow our Donor Honor Roll and, as a result, our grant making. Our Leadership Circle recognizes donors who have made substantial gifts to the P&G Alumni Foundation. We are grateful to them and all donors for counting the Foundation as one of their philanthropic priorities. Names listed in Bold are repeat donors showing their passion and belief in the Foundation. Advocates include giving over the last two P&G Alumni fiscal years.

Sustainers Circle

Chip & Juliet Bergh
Deb Kielty
Mohan Mohan & the late Parvathy Mohan
John & Francie Pepper
David S. Taylor
P&G Fund for Gender Equality

Leadership Circle

Tarang & Hirni Amin
Sue & Steve Baggott
Bernd Beetz
Gordon F. Brunner & Mary Ellen Brophy

E. Dean Butler
Peter & Lisa Carter
Alejandra Corona
Joanne Crewes

Bracken & Maria Darrell
Paolo De Cesare

Tom Drum & Lisa Bonanno
Lou Ann Eckert-Lynch & John Lynch
Tracy & Rick Froh
Ute Hagen & Wolfgang Bork
Samir & Christine Hawwa

Melanie & Bruce Healey
Chris & Lisa Hessler

Marianne & Nataraj Iyer
Robert N. Johnson/ACommon1 Connectivity LLC
Teri List

Sara & Jacob Mathew
Darryl McCall & Miren Letemendia
Dan & Deb Meyer
Federico Minoli
Jorge & Costanza Montoya
Janet B. Reid, Ph.D.
Martin Riant
Ed & Carole Rigaud

Kevin Roberts
Sally Schoen
Jeff & Eileen Schomburger
Samih & Doris Sherif
Vincent & Wendy Spiziri
Jim & Kathleen Stengel
Jeffrey Stern

Carol Tuthill
Sue Wilke
Helena Wong

AB Bernstein
AG Lafley – In-Kind CEO Auction
AG Lafley & Jim Stengel – In-Kind CEO Auction
Bob McDonald – In-Kind CEO Auction
Nehemiah Manufacturing Co.

P&G Alumni Network
Leonora Polonsky & Associates, LLC
Proceeds from When Core Values Are Strategic
Speakers Bureau – Cheryl Bachelder
Speakers Bureau – John H. Costello
SynFiny Advisors
9 Anonymous Donors

Nataraj & Marianne Iyer, P&G Alumni, Donors and Ambassadors

“Year after year, we give to the Alumni Foundation because we know our donations will result in jobs and business skills that will make all the difference in someone’s life.”

~ Nataraj & Marianne Iyer, P&G Alumni, Donors and Ambassadors


Ida Abdalkhani
Frank Adams
Aliyu Mohammed Ali
Greg Allgood
Andres Amezquita
Alejandra Aparicio
Paige Arnof-Fenn
Paula Asmus
Richard Bachhuber and Bettye Beaumont
Linda & Gene Bailey
Robert Baker
Debra Bass
Laura Bates
Alfredo Baudet
Richard J. Beagle & Elena R. Messina
Juan Betancourt
Vaishali Bhat
Tao (Arthur) Bi
Sophie & Eric Blum
Terri Bourne

Glenn & Donna Boutilier
Nina Brackeen
Mary Brady
Bruce Brown
Janet Butler
Geni Cabre
Anne Candido
Mary Carethers
Kathleen Carroll
Enrico Cavatorta
Alison & Thano Chaltas
Anne Chambers
Keyan Chen
Weiyi Chen
Anna Chokina
Ronnie Choudhary
L’Tanya Cole
Mike & Carolyn Collette
Neil Comerford
The Contreras Cunliffe Family
Alfonso Cos
James Cree
Carol Cruz
James Curry
Michelle de Aldrey
Bruno de Weer
Kimberley Dedeker
Karen Francis DeGolia

Carlo Di Biagio & Alessandra Messieri
Patricia DiMichele
Svetlana Dimovski
Abaigeal Dodd
Roisin Donnelly
Enrico D’Onofrio
Fahim Dowla
Kathleen Dwyer
Julie Eddleman & Diane Cummins
Maria Edelson

Adam Elrod
Mark & Christine Evans
Candi Fetzer & Denise Andrews
John & Barbara Fillion
William & Maria Fox

Paul Franz
Bob & Lori Fregolle
David Friedler
Steve Gallo
Jay & Nancy Garfinkel
MC Gasco-Buisson
Sreemoyee Ghosh Dastidar
Donna L. Ginn
John Glynn
Jeffrey & Laura Goldstein
Tabata Gomez
Lawrence Gong
Fernando Gonzalez-Moro
Harlan Graiser
Marian Grant
Mr. & Mrs. Randall Green
Debra & Gene Grosh
Taide Guajardo

Cheryl Gui
Ranu Gupta
Karen & Rafael Gutierrez
Catarina Hall
Bud & Valerie Hamilton
Anke Hampel
Michael & Rebecca Harrison
Patrick Hartnett & Katalin Ori

Claudia Herreramoro
Amanda Hill

Jan Hill
Lisa Hillenbrand
John & Carol Hoffman
Stefan Homeister
Jane Hoover
Sarah Hoover
Drs. Yen & Ron Hsieh

Sandy & J. Bart Hughes
Tim Hung
Natalie Hurks
Ellen D. Iobst
William & Mary Jane James

Joretha Johnson
Toi Clarke Jones
Tia Jordan
Paul Kadin
Paris Kafantaris
Mr. Sami Kahale
Yan Kang
Henry & Victoria Karamanoukian

Bill Kavanaugh
Hilary R. Keates
Woodrow & Edna Keown
Nancy Wynn Kerbs & Jon Kerbs
Jill King
Kip Knight
Emily Kokenge
Kathleen Kool
Marcin Kramek
Mike Kremzar
Fouad Kraytem
Jason Lai
Gina Lam
David Lee
Greg & Jane Leeds
Peter Leone

Victor Lopez Limon
Heike Linnemann
Vanessa Liu
Ekaterina Lobynko
JP Fuenzalida Lorca
Annette Lu
Myron Luo
Deborah & John Majoras
Kris & Tom Malkoski
Alex Malouf
Antonio Malvestio
Christine Maresca
Rob Matteucci
Bill McCarthy
Bryan McCleary
Guyer & Kim McCracken
Diane J. and Robert A. McDonald Family Foundation

Maureen McHale Hood
Pat Bailey McKay
Shelly McNamara
Julie McPeek
Nawfel Mejou
Khadija Mian
Ellen Miller
Shekhar & Anu Mitra
Dan Molloy
Kenneth & Sarina Monast Bronfin
James & Celia Monton Charitable Gift Fund
Shantini Munthree
Kindra Murphy
Wally Murry
Malini Murthy
Kay Napier Zanotti
Nancy New & Al Jackson
Dorothy O’Brien & Dick Antoine 
Maryann O’Conor & Richard Deak
Carlo Maria Paolella
Elizabeth Paul & Jorge Quero
Colleen Paulson
Jorge Pliego
Linda Porter-Cox

Marc Pritchard
Wei Pu & Na Wang
Mayor Aftab Pureval
Moitree Rahman
Greg Raiff
Karsten Rendemann
Lisa Reynolds
Eric Rigaud
Ingrid Rivera
Marinella Rivitti
Renzo Rizzo
Ken Robinson
Yolandis Rogers
Stacy Rosales

Anthony Rose
Cynthia Round
Bridgette Scales

Joseph B. & Virginia Schmidt
Catherine L. Scruggs
Kenneth Seal
Raman & Kathryn Sehgal
Katrin Seifarth
Ada Sell
Ron Shapiro
Luci Sheehan
Andrew & Karen Shih
Denise Siebert
Uldis Sipols
Peter & Diana Smit
Pamela Smith
Randall Smith & Christine Cho

Thales Soares
Carlos Paz Soldan
Maame Kwaaba Stephens
Kendra Speed
Maame Kwaaba Stephens
Suzanne R. Stevens
Roger Stewart
Lisa Stilwell
Betsy Stivers & Gary Simpson
Zhihu Sun
Margaret Szempruch & Damian Billy
Joan & David Szkutak
Imbie Tamba
Xiaofei Tang
Laura Tapia & Leopoldo Murrillo
Maria Taricco

Edward C. & Julianna M. Tazzia
Jia (Jamie) Tian
Neil Tilow
Najoh Tita-Reid
Sophia Toh

Annabel Tonge
Anita Treiber
Aki Ueda
Jorge Uribe
Dr. Scott Usitalo
Kelly & Guy Vanasse
Eric Vanderschueren

Eliana Venegas
Pamela Viscione
Chad & Elizabeth Waetzig
Jin Wang & Yihan Zheng
Heidrun Wechter-Essig
Anthony Simon Wee
Stephen Wereb
Mark & Diane White
Barron Witherspoon Sr.
Sarah D. Woods
Kimmie Wu
Jeff Wuest
Peg Wyant
Anne Wymore
Laura Xiong
Mingyu Yang
Piers & Rachel Yeld
Kathryn Young Hollis
Francesco Zanardo
Hanning Zhao
Hanxi Zhao

30 Anonymous Donors

*This list reflects those who have donated over the last two fiscal years.

Vincent J Spiziri, P&G Alumni, Board Member and Ambassador

“AB Bernstein shares the social and empowerment values of P&G and our Foundation. It was easy to ask them to amplify my support with a gift of their own. I encourage everyone to consider asking your organization to magnify your support.”

~ Vincent J Spiziri, P&G Alumni, Board Member and Ambassador


Amplify Strategy Group, LLC
Boot Camp Digital
Campari Group
Cincinnati Magazine
Daniel Epstein & Associates, LLC
Dharma Growth, LLC

FTB Financial Services Fund
Gap, Inc.
Ideas in Store
Limerick Lane Cellars
Nassivera Coaching & Consulting
Nike, Inc.

P&G Alumni Atlanta Chapter
P&G Alumni Brazil Chapter
P&G Alumni Chicago Chapter
P&G Alumni Chile Chapter
P&G Alumni China Junior Chapter
P&G Alumni EECAR Chapter
P&G Alumni Florida Chapter
P&G Alumni Geneva Chapter
P&G Alumni Italy Chapter
P&G Alumni Mexico Chapter
P&G Alumni Morocco Chapter
P&G Alumni New Jersey Chapter
P&G Alumni SF/Bay Area Chapter
P&G Alumni Singapore Chapter

P&G Alumni UK Chapter
PJ Web Technologies
Proceeds from “Author Expo” (2017)
Proceeds from “Reflections at 80” by Madireddi Chandra Mohan
Racket Media LLC
Retired P&G Latin American Leaders
Speakers Bureau – Cheryl Bachelder
Speakers Bureau – Lisa Baird
Speakers Bureau – John H. Costello

Speakers Bureau – Ann Francke
Speakers Bureau – Mike Parrott
Speakers Bureau – Cynthia Round
Speakers Bureau – Nabil Sakkab
Speakers Bureau – Anne Marie Valdezco
SRVL Consulting Inc.

The And Group, Inc.
Visa Foundation
Women’s Leadership Forum Coaching Program


In Honor Of

Linda Bailey by Margaret Szempruch
Patricia Boose by Marianne Iyer
Melissa Buhrlage by Margaret Szempruch
Towanna Burrous by Sophia Toh
Enrico D’Onofrio by Marianne Iyer
Lou Ann Eckert-Lynch by Marianne Iyer
Barbara Estrada by Betty Estrada
Blanche Evans by Anonymous
Barbara Fillion by Margaret Szempruch
Dr. Lori Foote by Kindra Murphy
JoAnn Hagopian by Margaret Szempruch
Chris Hoyt by Luci Sheehan
Jayashree Iyer by Marianne Iyer
Nagaraja & Prabha Iyer by Marianne Iyer
Gloria & John Johnson by Robert N. Johnson/ACommon1 Connectivity LLC
Athina Karali by Margaret Szempruch
Deb Kielty by Marianne Iyer
Seaphes Miller by Marianne Iyer
Tamara Minick-Scokalo by Marianne Iyer
Mr. MC Mohan by Catarina Hall
Brenda Palms by Tiana Conley
John & Francie Pepper by Kathleen Carroll, Abaigeal Dodd
John & Francie Pepper by Abaigeal Dodd
Francie Pepper by Lisa Hillenbrand
John Pepper by Shekhar Mitra
Carrie Rathod by Anonymous
Luci Sheehan by John Glynn
Jennifer Steeves-Kiss by Marianne Iyer
Margaret Szempruch by Linda & Gene Bailey, Marianne Iyer
Maria Taricco by Marianne Iyer
Annette Thompson by Marianne Iyer
Martha White by Candi Fetzer & Denise Andrews
Sarah Woods by Marianne Iyer

In Memory Of

Jodi Allen by Julie Eddleman & Diane Cummins
Giampaolo Calcari by Sami Kahale
Cathy Smale Caldemeyer by Sarah Woods
Siok Poh Chia by Sophia Toh

Sharon Cunliffe by The Contreras-Cunliffe Family, Peter & Lisa Carter, Anne Chambers, Carol Cruz, James Curry, William & Maria Fox, Taide Guajardo, Melanie & Bruce Healey, Deb/Jaden/Kyla Kielty Family Foundation, Elizabeth Paul, Marc Pritchard, Ingrid Rivera, Jim Stengel, Piers Yeld

Mary Anne Gale by Lou Ann Eckert-Lynch, Candi Fetzer & Denise Andrews
Daniel Hamilton byBud & Valerie Hamilton
Deauther Johnson by Yolandis Rogers
Paul V. Kocis by Marianne Iyer
Som Nath by Ranu Gupta
William (Bill) Parker by Robert N. Johnson
Joe Reynolds by Jan Hill, Luci Sheehan
Ryozo Shini San by Richard Bachhuber
Talar Sioufian by Ilhiana Rojas Saldana
Albert Uster by Geni Cabre

*This list reflects those who have donated over the last two fiscal years.